Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Iran I send you a red Carnation

'The carnation, scientifically known as Dianthus caryophyllus, is a historically rich and meaningful flower choice. With its scientific name dianthus roughly translating to "flower of love" or "flower of the gods", depending on the source, this flower is one that has been revered for centuries. One of the world's oldest cultivated flowers'

you give someone a red carnation it can also mean 'your heart aches for you'.

I have been surrounded with the Iranian culture since I played with Barbie.
For some reason I feel connected to this mystical and captivating culture.
Strangely, I feel much more comfortable being in a room surrounded by tons of Iranians than I do in a room full of Germans. (Yes, I am German!)

'Media Mafia' feeds the world with these headlines:
  • Two Iranian teens, two reactions to their father's jailing Wed 31, 2010
  • Obama demands deadline for Iran Wed Mar 31, 2010
  • Iran building two more nuclear enrichment plants Mon 28, 2010
  • Iran-New wave of blogger arrests Mon Mar 22, 2010
  • Reformist newspapers banned in Iran Mon 1, 2010
  • Iran says the world 'will regret' sanctions Tue 16, 2010
  • Clinton warns Iran of becoming a military dictatorship Mon 15, 2010
I can honestly tell you the picture is far bigger and more complicated than you think.
Tehran was more liberal in the 70's than West Berlin.
Emancipated Iranian women walked around in short skirts, high heels, showing their beautiful thick dark hair.
The country had just as many 'Hippies' as any other liberal country did.
People were free!

In 1979 the 'Islamic Regime' kidnapped this freedom.
I do not want to get into the reasons why the revolution started. I don't know enough about this certain event but I can assure you that the Western World especially a certain country which likes to call itself 'World Leader' had it's involvement in this dramatic historical event.
It is not my intention to only blame the U.S for this happening. As I truly believe that the Islamic Regime wouldn't be in power without support from the Iranian population.*
Again, it's hard to judge from someone like me who lives outside Iran and by descent contains no Iranian blood.

My purpose is to bring this intriguing culture a little closer to you; to understand that these people are truly beautiful.

You can spot an Iranian woman with her immaculate threaded eyebrows. (I am so envious! I am blond, hence I do not have any eyebrows.)
Her eyes remind me of a Persian cat (Oldest breed in the world and bloody expensive.)
She will play a little bit too much with her make up and hair but I can forgive her, she can still pull it off! She doesn't eat much because as in any other culture she thinks that being a size zero is pretty. Personally, I couldn't be skinny in Iran. I would eat Polow, Khorest and Kebab every single day. I actually gained a lot of weight when I went five years ago. Everywhere you go an Iranian Mommy will hunt you down placing all different kinds of Persian food on your plate even though the plate is already covered with food. (Trust me you cannot escape!)
Let's get back to the Persian girl. She doesn't speak openly about her emotions. She is raised to think that a real lady keeps her problems to herself. (Hmm??!) She is all about grace.
If she is wealthy you will never see her ears and fingers au naturel. (Diamonds are a Persian's girls best friend)
She has the power to death stare you but (a tip for you) just give her a sincere, warm glimpse and her eyes will start to smile.
Iranian men are a different topic. Because of their supreme complexity they actually deserve a whole blog on their own. (Yep, I have dated a few!)
Shortly cut...! Do not ever touch the pride of an Iranian man you will loose him forever but most of the time he looses himself in that pride.

I remember as it was yesterday. Visiting many families in Tehran, Shomal and Isfahan. Their homes were all furnished with Persian carpets, glass tables and mirrors and they aired with the fragrant aroma of fruits and nuts fusing together, children running around grabbing everyone's attention, gossiping ladies sitting on the sofa and quiet husbands smoking a cigarette.

I have been warmly greeted by everyone. A lot of kisses and hugging! Saying 'goodbye' can actually consume a whole hour.
I felt accepted! I know that Iranian's can be very good actors because it's in their culture to be polite. Frankly, even if they acted I appreciated the effort, it felt like home to me.

When you come to Iran you will feel sorrow. You watch how people are trapped in their homes. You cannot simply hang around at Starbucks and go shopping at H&M. The Cafe's are uncomfortable and the religious police (Committee) can come any minute and ruin your fun. It is far more entertaining to meet at a friend's or relative's house, listen to Gogoosh or Iranian Rap, have a cup of black tea and page through the Book of Hafez. (Persian Poet/Philosopher 13??-1390)
Oh yes, Iranian's are thinkers. I like to compare them to the old Greeks.
Every Iranian I have met until now is a little bit of a Philosopher.

In conclusion I can tell you I have fallen in love with Iran. Persian culture is one of the oldest cultures in the world. Their poetry is magic, their songs are sung by the most beautiful language in the world, the streets are walked by 'thinkers', prayers lie in the air and sadness covers the scatter of the Islamic Revolution.
My Dear Iran I send you a red Carnation.


* In order for me to be politically correct I need to mention that some Iranians don't believe in Westernization and are content with the Islamic Regime. The Shah made his mistakes, too. But what is a life worth living without freedom!?!
Check this website out to learn more about the Persian culture

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Shoe Collection Spring/Summer'10 (High Heels)

Let's talk shoes!

Oh la la...Girls get ready for a 'hot' summer!
We all have different tastes, I am all about colors! Yessss, Black is always a safe option. Chances are high that you already have Black Sandals, Flats, Peep Toes, Boots, Flip Flops and High Heels in your beloved shoe cabinet.

Provoke yourself and everyone else! Flame the streets up in your City! Make a Statement!

Personally, I am feeling all Zanotti this Summer.

I understand this divine piece of art is not everyone's piece of cake.
Here is an option for the 'Grand Lady' who can walk elegantly on 15cm heels.
You will always have stalking eyes on you when you walk with or on Christian to a party.

Still, not satisfied? Alright, I get it you still need your dark colors and you just want your legs to look smokin' hot! Jimmy Choo can help you out!

Do not forget you don't need 'Lovers' such as Christian, Jimmy and Zanotti in order to look marvelously!
Thank God for New Look, Zara, Mango, Primark etc.
If you are looking for hot affordable shoes go to New Look.

Sandra my Rhino Beetle

Sandra Annette Bullock she survived a crash in a chartered Business Jet and a horrible Car crash. Now she is facing pure humiliation in front of everyone's eyes.
I mean we all have stories to tell, and she is not the only poor soul who has been publicly humilitated by the fact that her husband cannot keep his 'Best Friend' in his pants. (The list is long...)

But it's 'Miss Congeniality'! I grew up watching movies with her and from small on I fell in love with her beautiful smile. (I was never a big Julia Roberts fan unlike all my classmates.)
Sandra can laugh about herself and still look adorable in any awkward, embarrassing situation.
Obvioulsy I have never met her! I only know what the brutal 'Media Mafia' tells me but I am certain she will overcome this difficult period. Whatever her decision will be I believe she has the heart of a 'Rhino Beetle' (Strongest animal in the world, it can carry 850 times its body weight). She is a survivor.

I ain't a Lioness

I have been living in the ‘Lion City’ (Singapore) for nearly a year and I still have trouble to feel this city. Hmm, what do I mean by feeling a city?!

Let’s be bluntly honest...!!
This city lacks Punks, Goths, Diva's and anyone else who likes to 'occasionally' drop out of what society perceives as 'normal'!!!
U can narrow Singapura down into four groups:

of course the stereotypical Singaporean which speaks Singlish not English.
The average Singaporean girl has probably more than three Hair Straightener in her draw. She just loves her silky, black hair straight (Girls listen to me – straight hair doesn’t suit everyone!) She likes her Shorts, Flip Flops and in the evening her little black Mini Dress. She is independent, hard working and at the end of the year she will spent all of her savings for her most precious ‘Louis Vuitton’ bag. Singaporean men are not very emotional at least they like to spend on their women. He is addicted to Tiger Beer and also hard working.
He loves movies and his biggest dream is to drive a Mercedes one day which is more than unlikely. (Cars are highly taxed here)

The second group are the Bankers. Oh, yes the Prophets of Capitalism.
We love to watch them in Clubs such as Brix (Full of expensive Hookers) spending extortionate amounts of money to show off. They behave ludicrously everywhere - no need to get into it…BORING!

The third Group is the Australian Man. Yes, you will come across a lot of Australians in Singapore they live and love here. U will meet them at the Four Floors of Whores.
You will catch some of them on the Fourth Floor.
(Be daring have a look if you live her too, I actually like it up there!! (Ladyboy Floor))
The Australian man is continuously on a hunt for his 'Sheila'.

The last group is the Expat Family. They are so lucky! This Family will most likely consist of two children, live in a three-four bedroom condo right in the city, have a personal maid and a nanny.
Expat wives are lying by the pool, enjoying a Mocktail or two and their nanny takes care of the screaming kids. She can shop without her children, she can go to the Spa every single day and her husband won’t be late home for a ready made meal by the maid. (Working hours are not like in Tokyo)

I guess I have been living in London too long. I miss the edginess!
Please, do not get me wrong I am having a great time here and I have met beautiful,magnificent people. The sun is shining and the shopping is great. But for someone like me who is too creative and way too expressive its not the right place.
I guess I just ain’t a Lioness.

P.S: Yes, I do judge, yes I do generalize – I am working on it! One day I will be enlightened enough to get rid of such bad habits! But we all need to be entertained :)


The other day I passed by a book shop and a bright orange book got my attention. A book written by Elizabeth Gilbert 'Committed'.

In 2008 TIME Magazine voted her one of the one hundred most influential people in the world. (Normally I do not believe in such pointless lists as I think each of us influences the world in his or her own way)
Anyways, she most certainly did influence me! The book captured my immediate attention and I finished it within 2 days.

Gilbert is one of the very, very many who has broken her vows.
She is brave enough to open her soul to the public about this difficult time. Her language is the language of a women who feels with her heart and only her heart. She tried to understand why she failed, she is a seeker just like me and most of us! And because she did so she found 'Love' again.

The book is not only about her, its about 'women' - from different cultures, from different generations. We all have different perceptions of marriage and she is trying to find out what those are.
I do not want to spoil the book, hence I will stop now!

I am in my mid twenties I am suppose to believe that fairy tales are true!
But you know what!?!...Cinderella only exists in the world of cartoons but Fiona and Shrek live in our world!!
Hearing the word 'Marriage' freaks me out - I get Goose bumbs all over my body!
Yes, you might think I am a Commitment Phobic but I don't think I am!

'Committed' has helped me a little to understand why most of us fail and that a world without believing in love is no world.

Trust me give it a go... especially if you are like me...raised with separated parents, surrounded by friends who have divorced parents, friends who are already divorced etc.

Btw if you find your Shrek...preserve the love's hard work but u can do it! :))

Monday, March 29, 2010

Me, myself and I the women who still thinks it's alright to have a Hello Kitty phone a seeker of truth myself and me!