Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Greek bonds are rated as 'junk' by the agencies. Some banks do not even invest into junk bonds.
I have been talking to Greek people and most of them actually agreed with me! If we save Greece the money will just be given to the same careless and stinking people. Also Germany does not have the luxury to just give 45 billion Euros away. The Germans are hugely in debt, it is guessed that in 2013 Germany's debt might be over 2 trillion Euros.

How will Greece pay the money back? A corrupt government which faked itself into the EU?
What is going to happen to Italy, Spain, Ireland and Portugal? It's just a matter of time until they will ask for loans.

People in most parts in the world do not get unemployment benefits or medical care. How do they survive? Well they just do! Life is tough!

It is time to wake up for Greece and reform itself.

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